The city’s hard, the city’s fair hat kurz eben noch etwas Strandgut aus dem Netz gefischt:
»Welcome to Levi’s® Pioneer Sessions: 2010 Revival Recordings
While much has changed about music over the past 50 years (artists, genres, popularity, formats, distribution, etc.), one thing remains true: The song is everything. We’re excited to welcome you to the Levi’s® Pioneer Sessions 2010 Revival Recordings. We asked a dozen of our favorite pioneering artists spanning multiple genres to record a song. Further sweetening the deal – each song re-crafted by this amazing roster, including the likes of Nas, The Swell Season, Dirty Projectors and more, is a song that mattered to them in some special way. You’ll find two new songs per week, available as free downloads, over the course of the following six weeks. Each song is paired with exclusive photos, behind-the-scenes video and additional content that celebrates the enduring importance of the song and the influence it has across generations. More to come…«
In weiser Voraussicht, welcher Film, da besprochen werden soll, verweise ich dann schon einmal auf die Levi’s Pioneer Sessions: 2010 Revival Recordings resp. auf The Kills‘ Alison “VV” Mosshart und Jamie “Hotel” Hince, die dort The Velvet Undergrounds “Pale Blue Eyes“ covern – Downloadlink inklusive (gegen Tausch einer Email-Adresse).
»Levi’s® Pioneer Sessions 2010 Revival Recordings bring together today's pioneering musicians to re-craft the classic songs that inspired their sound.These recordings celebrate the most important part of music: The song, its influence and the inspirational effect on the generations that follow.Keep checking each week for new artists, new stories and most importantly new songs for free download.«
finden sich dort übrigens noch die She & Him-Version von “Fools Rush In” sowie The Shins’ James Mercer, der das Squeeze-Stück „Goodbye Girl“ neu interpretiert.
Selbst einen Einblick verschaffen kann man sich dort oder via The Daily Growl, wo einem Interview aus dem vergangenen November („Seven Songs: Line & a Dot“) die beiden Stücke „Outside The Theatre Hall“ und „The Worst Thing You Could Do“ angehängt sind. Diese gibt es ebenfalls in einer Konzertankündigung der jüngeren Vergangenheit des geschätzten For Folk’s Sake, auch dort noch immer kostenfrei.
Line & a Dot – Songs from the Cabin
1. L.O.V.E
2. Echelons
3. Long Way Home
4. The Worst Thing You Could Do
5. Outside the Theatre Hall
6. For a Long Time

Sind wir schon einmal bei nie erschienenen Platten: Vor knapp zwei Jahren gelangte, wie auch immer, ein zuvor als verschollen geglaubtes Demo-Tape des Bad Salzuflener Fast Weltweit-Labels digitalisiert im Netz auf – „von einem circa 20 Jahre alten Tape gerippt, ohne audiophile Ambitionen und klangverbessernde Nachbearbeitungen“: „Liebe in GROSSEN Städten“, so der Titel des aus dem Jahre 1987 stammenden Tapes, versammelt dabei fünf Stücke der Gruppe Jetzt!, eine, wie der digitale Beipackzettel richtig aufklärt, „fast in Vergessenheit geratene Band um Michael Girke“, einem der Mitbegründer des Bad Salzuflener Labels. Wobei die Aufnahmen schon mit einem „Berliner Lineup“ entstanden, produziert und aufgenommen jedoch noch im vergleichsweise eher beschaulichen Bad Salzuflen. Mit Bands wie Die Antwort (Bernd Begemann), Die Sterne (Frank Spilker) oder Blumfeld (Die Blasinstrumente auf der Kassette sind von Jochen Distelmeyer eingespielt, der auch backing vocals singt wie u. a. auch Bernadette La Hengst.), die Fast Weltweit in frühen Besetzungen allesamt unter seinem Dach vereint, sei das Bad Salzuflener Label so etwas wie die „Ursuppe“ der späteren „Hamburger Schule“. Das mag ironisch anmuten, vielleicht auch nur noch historisch interessant sein, zumal wenn man weiß, dass Blumfeld später (auf „Old Nobody“) das vielleicht schönste Stück auf „Liebe in GROSSEN Städten“ covern sollten. Die Änderungen, die Jochen Distelmeyer dabei aber am Text von „Kommst Du mit in den Alltag“ vornimmt, sind m. E. bezeichnend für dessen Stil, und ein Grund, weshalb ich die Originalversion, die Christian Ihle in nun schon zwei Blogs zugänglich gemacht hat, bislang erfolgreich ignoriert habe. Zu unrecht und trotz Kinderchor: Dass „die deutsche Musik einmal nicht tot war“, sondern gar nach The Jam und The Smiths klingen und zudem intelligente Texte (ohne Distelmeyers selbstreferentiellen erhobenen Zeigefinger) bieten konnte, verblüfft weit mehr, als dass die „Hamburger Schule“ einst von Zugereisten zehrte.
Den Link gibt’s auf Anfrage, da ich nicht weiß, ob der beiliegende „copy me, i wanna travel“-Hinweis auch im Sinne des Labels oder der Band ist.
A1 Du bist nicht allein
A2 Wenn Deutschland träumt...
A3 Warum (ist es nicht leicht)?
B1 Kommst Du mit in den Alltag?
B2 Herbst in Berlin
1000 Robota auf Tour:
21 Aug 2010 22:00
Kampnagel exklusive Orchester Show, Hamburg
26 Oct 2010 20:00
Moritzbastei Leipzig
27 Oct 2010 20:00
Festsaal Kreuzberg, Berlin
28 Oct 2010 20:00
Scheune, Dresden
29 Oct 2010 20:00
Karlstorbahnhof, Heidelberg
9 Nov 2010 20:00
Atomic, München
10 Nov 2010 20:00
Schlachthof, Wiesbaden
11 Nov 2010 20:00
King Georg, Köln

“[...] It’s a song of hope. When love turns it’s back on you it’s nice to know there’s a world out there that doesn’t give a shit about your problems. That forces you to keep your head held high and move on. A world that is fragile and beautiful. Maybe it can sound cold to some of you, but let me make it clear that I believe in love, I just get so wrapped up in it sometimes that I need to put it into proportion. It’s something you have to do a lot when you’re Jens Lekman.”
08/01 Dublin, Ireland- Whelans w/ The BlowJens Lekman auf Tour:
08/02 Manchester, UK- The Deaf Institute w/ The Blow & Bill Wells
08/03 London, UK- Union Chapel w/ The Blow & Bill Wells
08/04 Paris, France- Nouveau Casino w/ The Blow
08/05 Amsterdam, Netherlands- Paradiso w/ The Blow
08/07 Stockholm, Sweden- Strand w/ The Blow
08/09 Copenhagen, Denmark- Vega w/ The Blow
08/10 Hamburg, Germany- Knust w/ The Blow
08/11 Berlin, Germany- Lido w/ The Blow
08/13 Goteborg, Sweden- Way Out West

1. Only a Dream
2. Love’s Old Sweet Song
3. Beautiful Dreamer
4. Kiss Me Again
5. Let Me Call You Sweetheart
6. Silver Threads Among the Gold
Be part of my album/ Pledge Music
»Dear all,
I'm finally allowed to share this with you: Help us make out record and join us for activities by visiting our page at Pledge Music...
Keep reading for more info, although I'll warn you, it's a long blog...
I’ve almost finished the songs for the second album. We’ve found a producer and a place to work, and we plan to hit the studio in a month. It’s been a very strange few months, and I can’t wait to make a record of them.
I don’t know if you’ve heard about Pledge Music before but it’s a new way of keeping independent artists free while the music industry runs circles in the background. Instead of relying entirely on a label to make and tour our record, we can skip the middleman and go directly to you, the fans (hi mum), for support. It makes sense for us, because we’ve always tried to work outside of the traditional record label model. (for a very good blog on what Pledge combats go to
We’ve set up a series of items, or ‘pledges’, that you can bid for, and in doing this, you’re not only buying things that we think you might want, you’re also directly contributing to the album being made. We’ve made up most of the pledges ourself, and put thought into stuff that might be fun to buy, that will also be fun for us to do. Pledge has a built-in charitable function as well, which means that part of everything we do will help a charity, either directly (pledges where all the money goes to charity), or indirectly (a percentage of the overall total goes to charity). This is useful for us, because as part of a pre-existing system we can do more for charity than we did back when we were disorganised amateurs. The charities we’re supporting with projects are Amnesty, Wateraid and Samaritan’s Purse, and 10% of what we make will go to the Enough Project, helping to raise awareness of, and put an end to, genocide and crimes against humanity.
People who pledge will basically be investing in the album, so to make sure you know what you’ve paid for we’ll post ‘pledgers-only’ updates and videos here as the record happens, as well as other things which we think will be fun or interesting. I want to include short stories, blogs, articles – you can post and I can post and we all post together. Like masons.
We’ve also specific pledges for you if you live in either Hong Kong (I’ll be back there later this year) or Japan, so if you do be sure to check those out.
There’s one more reason that I want to do this. I know that more than a few people will illegally download the next record, possibly before it’s out. I won’t tell you what that means for the musician, but I will try and urge you, if you don’t want to buy it from a shop, to buy directly from us. I understand that the CD doesn’t hold much sway with people these days, so we’re not just offering the CD. There will be stuff that goes along with it, stuff that makes it more special than if it was picked up on fileshare, or streamed online, and you’ll know that the money is going to contribute to us being able to continue making music.
I’m really excited about what we’re going to get out of this experience, and I don’t just mean making the record. I’m looking forward to meeting people, swapping information, testing out a new way of releasing albums, and being able to actually work functionally for a charity, rather than our WaterAid fail last summer.
Talking of WaterAid, thanks to Pledge, we’ll be able to set up a proper festival campaign this summer. I’m incredibly grateful to both for giving us this opportunity.
Emma. xx«

»About Us
Insound was born in 1998, a glimmer in the eye of a bunch of indie rock kids who wanted to make the mail-order business better. Tired of perforated catalog pages, licking stamps and watching as dozens of Amazon-alikes sprouted up with no mind for underground excited, Insound officially launched on March 1, 1999. We have grown up from three guys and a machine, to a proud, successful mainstay of the indie rock community. We can boast hundreds of label and zine friends and role parts in the movies that will one day be made about bands like The Rapture, Bright Eyes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. In the last 10 years, much has changed in the music world and much has changed in the internet world. But our continued commitment to embracing the new and thinking like a bunch of 23 year old indie rock mail-order kids has not changed.«
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